

On 27 January he left the story “Goats in Wonderland” by Montse Vila and illustrations made ​​by myself. The story of a true story, a story that was published on the Catalan goat. but the story of many other things as easy fame, universal dichotomy between rural life and city. This story we published editions Sidillà hand Judit and Javier since this post I want to thank publicly. The price of the story is 10 € and can be found in »

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alícia retrat

Many years ago I made this picture for my friend Alice. The portrait is always a good excuse to draw and if there is a face so expressive and so inspiring as my friend always like to do this kind of work. This time I chose acrylate metal to make it. Hope you like it

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Plou… peroquinsol_OK

On Saturday December 14th at 19:00 will be the presentation of the story ” It rains but…what a sunny day!” This story is divided into three stories written by Cristina Garcia each have illustrated the Emma Schmid Rally Lourdes and myself. The story that I illustrated is entitled : “A rocket too narrow ” a girl who loves rain so that you can stay at home to draw (and who does not : p ) . With Cristina ( the author of the »

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nen dormint

I leave here a compile of my illustrations for a tale “Let’s have a nap”

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viu el prat

Currently can go to visit the exhibition “Once Upon El Prat”, because this magazine “Live Prat” I have done an interview. I leave it here if you want to read (from page 17). Take the post to thank Toni Delgado interest and the treatment in the text.

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