

mobeetrip clip

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This year I was commissioned to do illustrations for a video advertisement for the company Mobeetrip. The idea attracted me since the very beginning that the project was led by David Munoz and who would be assembling Xavi Esteban. With David had worked together previously on another project and as perfectly wise m’entendria that I did not hesitate to say yes and with Xavi as you continue your work to sap my fix by the cagada using her magic, so the team was perfect!

The idea of David was making a video to be seen as performing a drawing (which would be my hand drawing) set the order of the script done for David.

When the company was given the go-ahead we started recording immediately. In the recording there were the three of me in the drawing, Xavi and David recording directing and giving moral support to the team! I, the truth is that I was very nervous because I could not mistake the drawing he had made a mistake because if affects the fluidity of the video as well because it was done in marker should have started again and again had done was wrong time to the team. But luckily it was all filmed and I was wrong (that I know): p

Are that thanks to David and Xavi I had a great time doing it but when I saw the end result I was pleasantly surprised so if above have a good vai on and I am lucky to have been able to work with both “big” professionals like David and Xavi is really gratifying. If this I say, there’s nothing like working in a team, THANK YOU TEAM!

Here you have the link for the video, hope you like it!

Mobeetrip clip

mobeetrip, business on the move from Mobeetrip on Vimeo.

2 Comentaris a “mobeetrip clip”

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  1. Apa com mola el vídeo, i el dibuix més! ;)

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