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On 27 January he left the story “Goats in Wonderland” by Montse Vila and illustrations made ​​by myself. The story of a true story, a story that was published on the Catalan goat. but the story of many other things as easy fame, universal dichotomy between rural life and city. This story we published editions Sidillà hand Judit and Javier since this post I want to thank publicly. The price of the story is 10 € and can be found in bookstores (and if not you can ask the librarian / a who asks;)).

I leave a link where Martí Gironell on TV3 Morning program talking about the story

alícia retrat
Many years ago I made this picture for my friend Alice. The portrait is always a good excuse to draw and if there is a face so expressive and so inspiring as my friend always like to do this kind of work.
This time I chose acrylate metal to make it. Hope you like it ;)

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Catala.

On Saturday December 14th at 19:00 will be the presentation of the story ” It rains but…what a sunny day!” This story is divided into three stories written by Cristina Garcia each have illustrated the Emma Schmid Rally Lourdes and myself.

The story that I illustrated is entitled : “A rocket too narrow ” a girl who loves rain so that you can stay at home to draw (and who does not : p ) . With Cristina ( the author of the story ) we know from a thousand years ago and I have been fortunate to work with leading real Mila (daughter of Cristina ) and the underlying tale . The process has been filmed as they work with it ” hand to hand ” and I can say that Mila is an much inspiration.

With Cristina we had in mind work together : I like her as a writer and illustrator , and we were lucky to be in this project together and the truth is that it was a super pleasure illustrate a story Cristina

This project was commissioned by the City Council and the School of Art Llagostera Pedro Mayol led by Mariona Puigbaldoyra order to let us know . The project , apart from the story also includes an exhibition that will cover various works of each artist and allows visitors to approach the world of illustration in different areas such as editorial , advertising and on the ‘ art , among other facets . We greatly appreciate the professionalism and Mariona Llagostera City Council for having trusted me .

Plou… peroquinsol_OK


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Sorry, this entry is only available in Catala.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Catala.

I leave here a compile of my illustrations for a tale “Let’s have a nap”
aviafinal JUNT


final cangurs deformat copia

muntatge desertbo

nen escoltant

nen escoltant



nen dormint

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