

On May 16, 2010 my cousin Katia took communion.
As a gift to my sister and I we give reminders made ​​by us, the picture is my design and my sister, Rosa Mayol.
I thought it would be best to do a drawing which was recognized, and the portrait in watercolor would be the best option. In addition to the reminders were also bookmarks.

Technical watercolor

4 Comentaris a “The communion of Katia”

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  1. doncs es preciosa!! millor que la típica foto, que desprès quan et fas gran sempre t'avergonyeixes d'ensenyar-la

  2. guai!!!! me n'alegro que t'agradi… espero que surtin encàrrecs d'aquest tipus i em faci super rica! ;p
    merci patri petons

  3. Preciós regal!

  4. merci nuri! petons

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