

l’anné prochaine, les 190 qui manquen…

(thanks Jordi for the translation;))

Stories in pairs.
The issue of similarity but never igualtat…bessons / s, equal but different at first sight when / the know, inseperables yet independent, attractive and disturbing topic that I’ve taken to make my first print job.

I chose the dry point because I wanted the main character line and aconssegueix a result of this technique and I like coming to my real line. I chose the co-location to the point where you give color prints.

Project engraving, drypoint technique with 1 mm polyester matrix thick and collage.


4 Comentaris a “Deux sans histories”

Afegir comentari
  1. mooola!!!


  2. gràcies òscar!!!! ;)

  3. B.u.E.n.M.o.J.O


    %A %B %e%q, %Y

    Que superguapes titi

  4. com sempre….m´encanten aquests gravats i la temàtica de l´ànima bessona, sempre misteriosa, envoltada de llegendes, històries, anecdotes…. quin bon treball nena!!!!!
    un petonàs

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