Sometimes I need to practice drawing notes by model. This type of exercise and specifically this session allows me to retrieve a hand observation of the human anatomy and the study of another line (speed and expression).
The drawing model sessions are where the concentration is complete, you can not think of anything other than your picture and what you see. One factor that does not have time to distreure’t is the fact that the notes are short-term, in this case, the drawings and watercolors are 5 minutes and the chalk of 3 min.
(Time is money in notes and more;))
In these notes there is no intention to draw the human figure as it is (as are the anatomical study, where the art is mimetic) if the aim is to express what you see as the movement, atmosphere, composition , color line … Overall, many concepts expressed in a short time (a reed Oops!)
That’s why I also say that when I have a good session notes I feel so liberated mentally and spiritually, cathartic kind of feel as good as it costs put it into words.
We apologize for the quality of the images … when I finished the session was only the phone’s camera quality is awful. But igualement can capture the essence that is what I want to show, I hope you like them:)
Technique: Watercolor, pastel and groundbreaking.
Dimensions: 35 x 26 cm and A4
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